Home Careers Year ONE Catching up with the Year ONE class of 2023/24

Catching up with the Year ONE class of 2023/24

Year ONE has welcomed interns into the business for the past two years.

Each of our interns rotate through Event Production, Environments, Healthcare Logistics, and Delegate Experience, so they can determine where their talents and interests lie.

Six months in, moving into their second rotation, we caught up with them to ask what their biggest learnings have been so far.

Imogen (Manchester): The travel! I’ve been to Barcelona, Lisbon, Aberdeen and Amsterdam since I joined, and there is such a buzz around live events. We’re making events that have a real impact and I’m super proud to shout about that. I also got to sit on Elton John’s couch at one of the venues where he’d done a concert!

Patrick (London): Being given responsibility for my own recyclable booth at a conference was a real show of trust and I really appreciated it. I worked directly with the Head of Environments, who was there to offer advice, but gave me the chance to do things myself.

Katelyn (Philadelphia): I was given my own client and able to take a booth from idea to execution. I don’t know a lot of other agencies that would give me so much exposure so quickly. Although it was a small project, I was really proud!

George (Manchester): I had a real lightbulb moment in Aberdeen. I was given the responsibility of furniture hunting and managing the set-up of the delegates’ networking space. It really made me think, “If I’m doing this now, imagine what I can do in the future.”

Eve (Manchester): I was in Berlin recently for an event for a new manufacturing client. It was the first time I’d seen a booth that I’d worked on come to life, which was amazing!

Alice (London): I got a name drop in our company President’s weekly email after contributing to a winning pitch and it was really lovely to get that kind of recognition. I’m also putting together a document for future Year ONEs with tips and information that I think will help them. Hopefully it will be the Year ONE bible of the future!

Joey (Philadelphia): I’ve been on site in Miami and New York and got to coordinate one part of a project myself, from booking travel, to shipping, helping with set-up and registration.

Madeleine (London): Being given a role and a purpose on site in Hamburg. I was looking after a big truckload of furniture, which sounds silly, but making sure everything was where it needed to be was an important part of the event. We were also in Hamburg on German Reunification Day, so we got to see a lot of the celebrations!


If you’ve begun your second rotation, what are the different skills you’ve learned? If not, what are you most looking forward to?

Imogen (Manchester): I had a great time in Delegate Experience and have now moved to Event Production. It’s allowed me to be very creative so far, as I’ve made props and other accessories for events. I’m also making glasses for an ophthalmic event to replicate what patients with a particular eye condition experience. There is always something new to learn!

Patrick (London): I’ve moved from Environments to Event Production in recent weeks. The move has allowed me to build on my knowledge of how fast-paced it is on site. Just recently, I was seconded to Delegate Experience to help at an event in Barcelona, because someone was ill. You need to be ready for anything and it certainly keeps it exciting!
Katelyn (Philadelphia): I’ve been in Environments and will be moving to Event Production soon. I’m really looking forward to doing some more travel and getting on site. I can be quite introverted, but I’ve already found out that I can push myself out of my comfort zone – I moved from the West Coast to the East Coast to take this job, which has been terrifying; but exhilarating!

George (Manchester): I’m now in Healthcare Logistics after a stint in Event Production. There is lots to learn, but ultimately it’s about dealing with people on a personal level and making them smile! I feel grateful every day that I have this opportunity. I was having a bit of a rough time before getting this job; but really felt I could be myself in the interview and am loving it!

Eve (Manchester): Moving from Healthcare Logistics to Environments, I’ve been getting to grips with budgeting, as well as speaking to suppliers and booth constructors, which is quite a different experience to speaking with hotels!

Alice (London): Environments is proving to be fast-paced and exciting, just like Event Production was. I did think an internship would involve lots of tea making and admin, but instead, I have trips to Prague and potentially Frankfurt in my calendar! We’re also invited to loads of different supplier events, so that we can understand everything that goes into these projects. Up next is one on model making!

Joey (Philadelphia): I’m moving to Environments from Event Production, and I can’t wait to see a booth being built on site. I love events like Comic Con and liaising with clients, and seeing how everything operates will be really exciting. I love that the team here is really proactive in getting you involved in projects.

Madeleine (London): I’m in Delegate Experience now after a few months in Environments. I’m getting to grips with really in-depth requests from clients to make sure they have the best experience possible on site. The further I progress through the internship, the more I see that there’s a lot of room for growth and creativity in this business. You can also take opportunities to speak to people in other departments like graphic design or film and I’m learning so much.


What is the biggest thing you’ve learned over the past six months?

Imogen (Manchester): That enthusiasm and a good work ethic can carry you a long way, even when you lack experience. Also, trust your intuition. If you have an idea, don’t be afraid to speak up.

Patrick (London): No question is silly! Don’t be afraid to speak up if you don’t know something. Everyone here has been super friendly, and no one minds if you need help.

Katelyn (Philadelphia): After an issue with shipping, I had to buy and replace a number of items for a conference over the course of a weekend. I got a lot of support from the team and learned both how to deal with a problem and to make sure I ask for help. Everything is fixable and it all went well in the end!

George: (Manchester): Just because you’re an intern, it doesn’t mean you don’t have a lot to offer a business. I’ve felt really respected here.

Eve (Manchester): Take every opportunity you’re offered, and get involved with as much as you can. I’ve learned a lot about other departments by introducing myself to people.

Alice (London): That these events are scheduled to the second and you need to have the ultimate in organizational skills. Even the time it takes for someone to walk on stage counts!

Joey (Philadelphia): That you get out what you put in. It’s ok not to know something, but keep learning, asking questions, and getting stuck in. It’s been a blast!

Madeleine (London): To push myself out of my comfort zone. I’m quite shy, so asking for help when I need it can be tough, but everyone here is always happy to answer questions.