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Ash Evans: Five years of service

Our people are the heart and soul of all we do. We build bright and brilliant teams who work seamlessly together to deliver beyond expectations. We caught up with Ash Evans, one of our Technology Project Managers, who has just completed five years in the business, to find out about her career success so far.

June, 2022

Tell us a little bit about your role…

I am currently a Technology Project Manager here in the business. I mainly build apps and websites for our clients, both for face-to-face and virtual meetings. I work with project teams and clients to make sure we capture the must haves and suggest platforms to best suit those requirements. I also work with our platform partners to grow our service offering.


What has your career journey been like in the business over the past five years?

I joined the business (almost) fresh out of university. I was looking for a job that would turn into a career where I would be able to travel and work with amazing people but had the variety and excitement that I craved when I was in my early 20s, and the rest is history! I started in logistics but found my calling when I transitioned into a Technology Executive role around three years ago, after seeing the opportunity with the technology we use here at the company. I was then promoted to a Technology Project Manager in October 2021.


Over your five years, how has the industry changed? What has been your favorite part?

Other than the C word?! The industry has shifted so much since I started with AEE (now Emota). We’re now seeing a need from our clients and attendees to make the event more memorable, in a unique way that they haven’t seen before. Back in 2020, when we all had to pivot to a virtual offering, the challenge was huge: the unknowns of how to make it work, how to overcome fatigue from attendees, how to make the events impactful while everyone is staring at a screen for hours on end. But then, coming back to a hybrid and face-to-face world, the challenge is now to make everything bigger and better than clients have ever seen before. The challenge is exciting, and every day I am learning how to best service our clients.


What does the future hold for your career in events?

The business has been so good to me; not only do I have the opportunities to challenge myself on a daily basis, but I’m able to travel the world with amazing clients, going to amazing events, and ultimately (in a very small way) we are part of someone’s journey – whether that’s in a new drug launch, or an educational meeting for HCPs, we help people. Every day is different and has its own challenges, and that’s what is really exciting about the event industry. I’m still as ambitious as I was when I first started. I absolutely love my job and look forward to coming to work each day.


What are your favorite memories?

I have so many amazing memories here. Our people really make our business what it is, and I feel exceptionally lucky to be able to work alongside some talented and inspirational individuals.


I don’t think we could have said it any better than that. Day in and day out, our staff, as Ash has shown, excel in their areas of expertise, ensuring the events and attendees are in the very best hands.

If you’re interested in joining us, visit our Careers page to see our latest vacancies.


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